Basilica Choir
The Choir for the Basilica of Saint Andrew is a ministry through which individuals offer their service and time to God and the Church through the gift of song. It is an ensemble of individuals who are committed to adding to the beauty of the litury and finding unity with one another. The Basilica Choir sings at the 11:30am Mass from the Sunday after Labor Day through Pentecost. A simple, short audition/meeting is required for interested persons. Rehearsals Wednesdays from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the Music RoomWomen’s Ensemble
This auditioned women’s group sings once a month at 5:30pm Mass. The women who make up this choir are also a part of the larger Adult Choir. Rehearsals: Sunday mornings at 10:30 - 11:00am in the Music Room.
The cantors are the psalmists for the Liturgy and assist in encouraging the assembly in their sung responses and hymnody. Cantors are auditioned and sing a rotating weekend schedule. It is expected that cantors be a part
of the larger Adult Choir.