Check out these Lenten resources for both Children and their families!
Holy Week and Easter Power Point - from Loyola Press
Good Friday Passion Reading Activity Sheet - from Loyola Press
Our Sunday Visitor - FREE Downloads
Catholic Icing - Catholic Mom Lent Bundle
Catholic Icing - Lenten Calendar for Kids
Wee Little Miracles - Easter Story Wreath
The Catholic Toolbox - (scroll down to "Lent")
RCL Benziger Lent resources
Loyola Press - family activities
Loyola Press - Stations of the Cross for Children
Loyola - Liturgical Year Family Activities
The Easter Story Animated part 1 - Jesus is Nailed to a Cross
The Easter Story Animated part 2 - The Death of Jesus
The Easter Story Animated part 3 - Jesus is Alive
A Catholic Mom's Life "Children's Stations of the Cross"
Children's Stations of the Cross
Ascension "Good Friday: The Meaning of the Cross"
Brother Francis "Let's Learn About Lent" from FORMED - Free to our Basilica of Saint Andrew parishioners, just sign in.
Busted Halo "Ash Wednesday in 2 minutes"
Busted Halo "Lent in 3 minutes"
Busted Halo "Holy Week in 3 minutes"
God's Story: Palm Sunday
How to have a good LENT! - Kid Catholic - good for pre-teens & teens