Weekly Acts of the Apostles Study JANUARY 19 - 25 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 19 Acts 19 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 340 - Acts 19 Consider
Notice the high value of the burned books and then notice what seems to be the main driving force of the riot.
Ephesus was at the crossroads of 4 ancient trade routes and was one of the biggest cities in the world at the time. Why would Paul spend two years there?
During the almost comical incident with the sons of Sceva, the spirit says to them "who are you?" What would it take to be known by them?
Act- Is there something in my life that I perceive as valuable that I should give up? JANUARY 12 - 18 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 18 Acts 18 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 339 - Acts 18 Consider
In Acts 18:6, Paul rebukes the Jews in Corinth, telling them "From now on I will go to the Gentiles.” Did he completely give up on the Corinthian Jews?
In Acts 18:8, "Crispus, the synagogue official, came to believe in the Lord." What do you think the financial, social, and spiritual consequences were for him?
Apollos "was an authority on the scriptures" (Acts 18:24). What does it seem his occupation was? What were "the scriptures" at this time?
Act- Priscilla and Aquila took Apollos under their wing to mentor him. Identify someone you could mentor and someone who could mentor you.
JANUARY 5 - 11 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 17 Acts 17 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 338 - Acts 17 Consider
Why did they take Paul to the Areopagus? Does that remind you of our current age?
What do you think of Paul's approach to apologetics in his speech in the Areopagus?
Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 and see how Paul changed his approach when he went to Corinth. Which approach was more successful? Why?
Act- How can I be more "fair-minded" like the Beroeans?
DEC. 29 - JAN. 4 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapters 15-16 Acts 15-16 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episodes below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 336 - Acts 15Day 337 - Acts 16 Consider
In Acts 15:36-40, we see a sharp disagreement between Paul and Barnabus over John Mark (the probable author of the Gospel of Mark). What considerations should you have and how should you behave if you find yourself in a disagreement with a fellow Christian?
Notice that Luke shifted from using "they" to using "we" in Acts 16:10. Where did Luke join Paul and Silas? What event seems to soon separate them?
Why did Paul assert his Roman citizenship in Acts 16:37? Why didn't he assert it before he was beaten and imprisoned?
Act- The jailer "rejoiced with all his household that he had believed in God." (Acts 16:34) Rejoice this Christmas season that you too believe in God!
DECEMBER 22 - 28 We are taking a break from Acts this week to read Luke’s nativity story. Read Luke 2:1-20 Luke 2:1-20 Listen to Christmas Carols! Consider
Notice that more is written about the shepherds than Jesus, Mary, and Joseph here. Why might that be?
Put yourself in the place on one of the shepherds and imagine this encounter with the angels and the Holy Family.
How does the “peace among men with whom he is pleased” (Luke 2:14) apply to you? Do you enjoy that peace? If so, how can you grow in it? If not, how can you enter it?
Act- Be an agent of peace this Christmas season.
DECEMBER 15 - 21 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapters 13 - 14 Acts 13-14 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episodes below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 334 - Acts 13Day 335 - Acts 14 Consider
In Acts 13, what was so attractive about Barnabas and Paul’s message that “almost the whole city” showed up the following week? Why then were they driven out of town?
Contrast Exodus 3:5 where God told Moses to “remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground” with the action of Paul and Barnabas in Antioch where "they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them" (Acts 13:51).
What is meant by "appointed" in Acts 14:23?
Act- Paul says “through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Give thanks for the tribulations you have faced.
DECEMBER 8 - 14 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapters 11-12 Acts 11-12 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episodes below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 332 - Acts 11Day 333 - Acts 12 Consider
Sometimes it’s difficult to identify who a person in a Bible passage is. Use the footnotes in your Bible to identify everyone in this week’s reading.
Consider the importance of Acts 11:1-18 as it relates to you.
Peter was delivered from a seemingly impossible situation. Have you or someone you know ever been witness to a deliverance from a difficult situation through an answer to prayer?
Act- We see the early Church banding together in prayer and taking a collection to help those in need. How am I called to join in these efforts today?
NOV. 24 - DEC. 7 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 10 Acts 10 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 331 - Acts 10 Consider
What is the connection between the vision of unclean animals in Peter’s dream and the conversion of Cornelius?
Notice how the Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelius and his companions even before they were baptized. What does this say about how God sometimes works?
Are there any people you refuse to associate with for religious or ethical reasons?
Act- Think of a conversion story from your own life. Thank God and pray for conversion of the whole world.
NOVEMBER 17 - 23 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 9 Acts 9 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 330 - Acts 9 Consider
There are 3 accounts of Paul’s conversion in Acts (9:1-19, 22:3–16 and 26:2–18). In what ways do these accounts differ? In what do they agree? How do we reconcile this?
The Lord said, "I will show [Paul] what he will have to suffer for my name." Do you think that Paul found this inspiring? If so, in what way?
Consider all that Paul had done to the followers of the Way. Now consider how much forgiveness the apostles and disciples offered him and how much trust they placed in him. What kind of man must Barnabas be that they accepted his words about Paul?
Act- We meet Barnabas (“Son of Encouragement”) for a second time (see Acts 4 also). Look for ways to encourage others this week.
NOVEMBER 10 - 16 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapter 8 Acts 8 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 329 - Acts 8 Consider
How did the persecution that took place in Jerusalem serve to spread the Gospel? How far is it about to spread just from the action in Acts 8?
It seemed like Philip was doing a fine job in Samaria. Why were Peter and John sent there in Acts 8:14?
In places where Scripture is hard to understand, where do you seek guidance?
Act- Prepare an "elevator pitch" to share the Gospel in case the opportunity arises.
NOVEMBER 3 - 9 Read Acts of the Apostles Chapters 6 - 7 Acts 6-7 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episodes below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 327 - Acts 6Day 328 - Acts 7 Consider
In Acts 6:1-10, we see seven men who are generally considered to be the first deacons. What are these men like? What are their duties?
In Acts 7:51, Stephen transitions from talking about “our fathers” to “your fathers”. What is the main characteristic of “your fathers”?
When Jesus was taken before Pilate, the leaders said "It is not lawful for us to put any man to death" (John 18:31), but here they stone Stephen to death, and there are other instances of actual or threatened stoning in the New Testament. Why might they have made such special effort to crucify Jesus?
Act- In Acts 7:51, Stephen called his accusers “stiff-necked people.” Examine your life for areas where you may be “stiff-necked”.
OCT. 27 - NOV. 2 Read Acts of the Apostles 4:32 - 5:40 Acts 4:32 - 5:40 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 326 - Acts 5 Consider
Notice who Peter says is being lied to in Acts 5:3. Consider what this says about the Church.
Peter tells the high priest and council that "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29), but in Matthew 23:2-3, we see Jesus telling the apostles that "the scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; so practice and observe whatever they tell you." What has changed?
Have you been maltreated for your religious beliefs? Reflect on how the Apostles reacted in Acts 5:41-42.
Act- What is one way I can be courageous in expressing my religious beliefs this week? OCTOBER 20 - 26 Read Psalm 118 and Acts of the Apostles 4:1-31 Acts 4:1-31 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 325 - Acts 4 Consider
Why did Peter quote Psalm 118 (Acts 4:11) to the rulers, elders, and scribes? How do you think they felt about that being quoted against them?
The chief priests, scribes, and elders perceived Peter and John to be "uneducated, common men" (Acts 4:13). What wisdom were Peter and John filled with? Where can we find that wisdom today?
The apostles prayed "Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness" (Acts 4:29). How did God respond to their prayer? Have you ever prayed like this?
Act- In Acts 4:13, the rulers, elders, and scribes recognized that the apostles “had been with Jesus.” Choose one way this week to help others recognize that you have been with Jesus. OCTOBER 13-19 Read Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 3 Acts 3 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 324 - Acts, Chapter 3 Consider
Contrast the fruits of the faith of the healed man with the fruits of the denial of the people (Acts 3:13-16), then consider the gentleness with which Peter addresses the people in Acts 3:17. Have you ever felt God’s gentle prodding to conversion?
Notice the power in the name "Jesus" (Hebrew for "God saves"). Read what the Catechism says about invoking His holy name in paragraphs 2665 - 2669.
Peter also invokes the title "servant" for Jesus. Read Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 and consider why he may have chosen to do so.
Act- Peter challenges his hearers to "Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away." Choose and act upon one area of conversion in your own life this week. OCTOBER 6 - 12 Read Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2 Acts 2 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episode below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Day 323 - Acts, Chapter 2 Consider
In Genesis 11, we read the account of the Tower of Babel and that "there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth." (Gen 11:8) In what ways is this undone at Pentecost?
In Acts 2:12, the crowd asks "What does this mean?" What does Peter tell them is the significance of Pentecost (Acts 2:32-33)?
In Acts 2:42-47, we see a description of life of the early Church. How can we encourage this kind of Spirit-led life today?
How can I be open to the Holy Spirit for a “personal Pentecost”?
Act- Proclaim Christ to your family, friends, or community in one way this week. SEPT. 29 - OCT. 5 Read Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 1 Acts 1 Listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz's The Bible in a Year Podcast Episodes below. (Also available on your favorite podcast app.) Introduction to the Church Day 322 - Acts, Chapter 1 Consider
In Acts 1:8, we read "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses..." We too receive power from the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. What is one specific way I can be a witness to Christ this week?
In Acts 1:14, we read that they "devoted themselves with one accord to prayer". Are you being called to devote yourself to prayer right now? In what way? For what intention? How will you answer that call?
In Acts 1:26, we read about Judas's successor being chosen by lot. Has God ever used unexpected ways to communicate His will to you in your life?
Act- Choose one concrete way to be more attentive to God's will in your life and act on it.